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For those who grew up in the liturgical church and continue to appreciate the traditional form of worship will be comforted by our adherence to those traditions.  In addition, during special times in the church year we also use long-time worship services like the Tenebrae for Good Friday, plus a lessons and carols service on Christmas Eve.

Regardless of whether it is our regular Sunday divine service, or a special service we strive to hold our services at 10am to allow for those who would be unable to attend in the evening and to keep the start time consistent for those with busy schedules.

All are welcome to attend any of our worship services.  The service in printed in its entirety in the bulletin and hymnody is sung directly from the Lutheran Service Book (CPH, 2006).  Our Sunday service includes the distribution of our Lord's body and blood in with an under the bread and wine of communion, so we ask that anyone who is not familiar with this Scriptural teaching to receive only a blessing at the chancel rail.

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